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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

Early Career Teachers

Here's what our ECTs say:

 "I have been extremely supported by all throughout my time at The Beaconsfield School. The staff body are encouraging, friendly and hard workers who are there to help if questions and queries occur" ECT year 2

“In TBS I feel challenged by the hurdles, supported by my colleagues, inspired by my students’ smiles” ECT year 1

"I feel supported and valued within my department, all members of staff facilitate a warm and helpful learning environment. Within my lessons, my professional judgement is trusted by the head of department, allowing me to develop my teaching pedagogy. I have been provided with copious amounts of professional development opportunities and experiences, allowing me to challenge and reflect on my teaching practice" OTT ECT year 1

 “At TBS I am supported and enabled to ambitiously develop my professional practice within a principled and motivated environment” ECT year 1


Once you are a qualified teacher and employed at The Beaconsfield School, you will be supported to develop as a new teacher through the two year Early Career Framework programme; provided by our learning partner Astra Teaching School Hub. 

Astra TSH works in partnership with Best Practice Network to deliver the DfE-funded Early Career Framework (ECF) programme for Early Career Teachers (ECTs) in Buckinghamshire. Best Practice Network is a Lead Provider delivering the ECF nationwide and Astra TSH is the Delivery Partner for the Best Practice Network ECF programme. Further details on the Best Practice Network ECF programme can be found  here

Astra TSH or Buckinghamshire Council are the Appropriate Bodies responsible for the quality assurance of Early Career Teacher (ECT) induction. They have a statutory role of ensuring ECTs receive their full induction entitlements and verifying the ECTs assessment against the Teachers' Standards to pass induction. 

Statutory Guidance on ECT induction can be found here

  At The Beaconsfield School all ECTs have a designated mentor with whom they meet weekly in year one and fortnightly in year two of the Induction Programme. In addition to this, ECTs will have opportunities to reflect on and develop their teaching as a result of regular learning walks and lesson observations from colleagues.

Every half term ECTs will meet with the Staff Development Coordinator/Professional Tutor to monitor their progress against the Teachers' Standards. To support the induction process all new staff are actively invited to participate in our in-house Induction Studies programme, which is a great way to meet other new colleagues who are adjusting to school-life working at The Beaconsfield School.

If you would like to sign up for our Talent pool, can be found: here

For further information about ECT support contact: Amanda Kelly 

email: akelly@beaconsfield.school