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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

Expanding Horizons

At our school, we are committed to providing students with opportunities that extend learning beyond the classroom, as we believe this is essential for their academic and personal development. Super-curricular opportunities are designed to inspire students to engage with their subjects in a deeper, more meaningful way, allowing them to challenge themselves and cultivate a lifelong passion for learning. These opportunities go beyond the traditional curriculum, empowering students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, all of which are vital for their future success.

Our super-curricular programme offers a rich variety of activities that broaden students' intellectual horizons. This includes thought-provoking trips, interactive in-school events, and specialised curriculum opportunities that connect classroom learning with real-world applications. These experiences not only deepen subject knowledge but also enhance cultural capital and expose students to new ideas, helping them develop a well-rounded, global perspective. By engaging in these activities, students are encouraged to think critically, ask insightful questions, and pursue their intellectual passions with confidence.

Furthermore, as part of our super-curricular programme, we provide signposting for prestigious career pathways. This invaluable guidance directs students towards targeted opportunities such as work experience, internships, and higher education pathways that align with their career ambitions. By connecting students with these real-world opportunities, we ensure they are well-prepared to pursue their goals and succeed in competitive, high-achieving fields. Through our super-curricular opportunities, we aim to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences that will set them apart in their future academic and professional journeys.

The opportunities offered in 2025 include:

  • Higher Project Qualification – An independent research project integrated into the Year 9 curriculum, where students explore a topic of personal interest in-depth, developing research, writing, and presentation skills.
  • Model United Nations Trips (Year 9 only) – A series of trips where students take on the role of diplomats, representing different countries in simulated UN discussions, enhancing their public speaking, negotiation, and critical thinking skills.
  • Brilliant Club Scholars Programme (Year 10 only) – A challenging programme that pairs students with PhD tutors to work on university-style assignments, helping to develop critical thinking, academic writing, and independent study skills.
  • Trip to Homerton College (Year 11 only) – A visit to a prestigious university, providing students with insights into higher education life, academic expectations, and university-level study, helping them to prepare for future academic paths.
  • In-House Super-Curriculum – A series of tailored, enrichment activities throughout the school year, designed to challenge students intellectually and develop critical skills in subjects beyond their regular curriculum, such as debates, workshops, and problem-solving tasks.
  • Thinkers in Education Events – A series of thought-provoking talks and workshops with leading educators, professionals, and thought leaders to inspire students and deepen their understanding of academic and real-world issues.
  • Speaker Events – Exclusive events where students hear from inspiring speakers, offering valuable insights into various fields, from academia to leadership, encouraging students to broaden their perspectives and think critically.

More opportunities will become available over time. These activities offer students enriching experiences that support their academic and personal growth, preparing them for future success and fostering a lifelong love of learning. 

Student Testimonial


"Aaliyah B

On the Thursday 28th November, a guest speaker came to our school, to talk to the Striving Stars community. Lewis Collins is a university graduate who came to talk about 6th Form, university, and job applications. Firstly, he started off the speech by introducing himself and talking about himself, his name, age and his hobbies and interests. He talked about his secondary school life and doing GCSEs. Then, he went onto the subject of university and 6th form. He talked about applying for them and writing CVs, he displayed one of his to us as an example.

Then, he started conversing about university. He showed us pictures and explained what it was like in the 3 years there. In general, you only spend around 24 weeks doing learning, the rest is free time and holidays. The first year was rather relaxed and more about getting used to the teaching and subjects. The second year is more difficult and pushes you past your limits, but it’s enjoyable. The third and final year is when you need to start thinking about applications for a job. Again, you will have to write a CV and present it to the job of your choice.

In my opinion, I enjoyed the guest speaker. It was good to know what you would have to do when it comes to applications for 6th form and university. It also gave me the opportunity to properly understand what university would be like from an ex-student’s perspective. I would enjoy seeing another guest speaker that would help encourage me to work even harder in school to be successful in life after school".