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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College


Year 9 PLCs

Year 10 PLCS

Year 11 PLCs



Geography is our learners’ gateway into the wider world and so it is The Geography Department’s aim at The Beaconsfield School is to ensure that our pupils appreciate and understand the world in which they live. Our pupils will learn how Earth’s major processes have resulted in some of the most spectacular landforms and features. This can include looking at the formation of some our planet’s most well-known landforms, such as Grand Canyon through to examining the global significance of world ecosystems, such as the Amazon Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef. We seek to instill in our pupils a sense of wonder; we want our young geographers to enquire about our planet and how we take care of it. The Geography curriculum at The Beaconsfield school reflects the regional and global issues of today. This can range from looking at the rising impact of plastic pollution at a local and global scale in Year 8, as well as the looming threats brought about by climate change in year 7. Importantly, our curriculum in Geography challenges pupils to consider and evaluate various strategies to manage and protect our planet in an effective and sustainable way. Geography is a multifaceted discipline and at The Beaconsfield School we endeavour to provide our pupils every opportunity to become well-rounded and highly skilled Geographers through a curriculum that has human and physical geography at its core.   


Key Stage 3

Year 7 - Fantastic Places, settlements, Rivers, ecosystems/Tropical Rainforests, Tourism, Global warming

Year 8 -Population, Weather and Climate, Resource management, Crime and Geography, Glaciation/Antarctica, Amazing India, The Worlds Oceans

Year 9 -Coasts, world development, Tectonic landscapes, globalisation, The Living World

Key Stage 4

Syllabus: GCSE Geography AQA

Course Code: 8035

Website: www.aqa.org.uk

Course overview

This course highlights to students the importance of geography in understanding the world and for stimulating interest in places. It will inspire students to become global citizens by exploring their place in the world, their values and their responsibilities to other people and to the environment.

Course content

Students will study the natural environment, human environment and will have an exam based on a decision-making exercise as well as fieldwork.

Living with the physical environment

  • Tectonic hazards
  • Weather hazards
  • Climate change
  • Ecosystems
  • Tropical rainforests
  • Hot deserts
  • Coastal landscapes
  • Glaciated landscapes

Challenges in the human environment

  • Urban issues and challenges
  • The development gap
  • The changing UK economy
  • Resource management (water)         

Geographical applications and skills

  • Questions based on fieldwork
  • Decision-making


Exam 1 - 1 hr 30 mins     
Exam 2 - 1 hr 30 minutes     
Exam 3 - 1 hr 15 minutes

Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5, we follow the Edexcel syllabus for the A level qualification. There are 4 exams at the end of Year 13, and there is also coursework to be completed, which accounts for 20% of the whole A level.

The topics we cover include: Coastal landscapes, Tectonic hazards, Diverse Places, Globalisation, Superpowers, The water cycle, The carbon cycle and Migration.


Curriculum Overview


Curriculum Maps