KS3 Music
Music in years 7-9 aims to engage, excite and enrich the musical mind of each and every student.
All students in Key stage 3 have access to high quality musical instruments, as well as state-of-the-art Apple Mac computer systems to explore music through composing, performing, listening and appraising. The tasks are designed to be engaging and motivating for beginners, developing players and for musically experienced students too. Music lessons often draw links to other subjects such as Maths, English, Art and Geography to enrich the understanding students gain from their musical learning.
We see extra curricular music-making as a natural extension of classroom activities and encourage all students who are learning to play an instrument to bring it in to lessons and get ‘stuck in’, to show their peers the wonderful sounds they are developing with their instrument!
At The Beaconsfield School, we have a thriving choir and instrumental groups aplenty that offer students further challenge and enjoyment through music beyond the classroom lessons. We perform at numerous events throughout the year, such as the Festival of Lights, Summer Awards Evening, Advent Carol Service and Waddesdon Festival.
In each and every lesson we want students to really get the chance to feel ‘musical’, not merely to ‘learn about music’ but to experience the joy of it!
Some students from years 7-9 who produce exceptional own-composed pieces or reach a high standard of performance, are invited to record their music in our own recording studio, assisted by the 6th form Music Tec students.
Key Stage 3 Programme of Study in Music
In Key Stage 3, each half term students concentrate on a specific aspect as per the schedule below
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | |
Autumn 1 |
Music in your World | Music in Charity Work | Improvisation |
Autumn 2 | Cartoon Music | Play The Blues | Orchestra Tone Poems |
Spring 1 | The Orchestra | Science Fiction Music | Build A Band! |
Spring 2 | Superhero Music! | Impressionism | World Music |
Summer 1 | You've got the Jazz | Music in Adverts | Music in Film |
Summer 2 | The Folk Tradition | Music of the Night | Reggae Summer Sounds |