Mental Health and Wellbeing
Wellbeing Statement:
The Beaconsfield School is committed to promoting and supporting good mental health and wellbeing for all students and staff.
The World Health Organisation defines mental health as: “A state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”
At The Beaconsfield School, our aim is for each member of the school to be able to play a positive part in the school community, meeting challenges with resilience and working towards reaching their own potential. To facilitate this, we offer a range of support, education and opportunities.
Our named Senior Mental Wellbeing Lead is Mrs Collingridge, Please do get in touch if you have any specific wellbeing queries.
What to do if your child is struggling with their mental health
Your first point of contact is your child’s mentor. They will be able to connect you to the appropriate member of staff in school relative to your child’s individual circumstances. If this isn’t appropriate because of the nature of the issue, then please contact the Head of Year, the Senior Mental Wellbeing Lead or the School Safeguarding Team.
Please complete this form if you would like to speak to a member of the Pastoral Team:
Useful tips and advice for parents to help their teens overcome body image issues, academic anxiety, peer pressure, and cyberbullying, including links to other important teen mental health resources
Teen Mental Health – A Guide for Parents
CAHMS Self-Referral – 01865 902515
Anxiety queries
If you are concerned for your child or a young person, please do contact a member of the safeguarding team to discuss this further, preferably with your child’s Year Leader who will be on our safeguarding team.
There are many organisations in our local area and nationally, which can help you and your child to discuss and focus on developing coping management techniques for all forms of anxiety. You may wish to focus on the causes of the anxiety and coping techniques.
YES Wycombe
Finding a BACP therapist in our local area
For students thinking about going to University
Eating disorders queries
If you are concerned for your child or a young person, please do contact a member of the safeguarding team to discuss this further, preferably with your child’s Year Leader who will be on our safeguarding team.
There are many organisations in our local area and nationally, which can help you and your child to discuss and focus on the reasons for these disorders and ways to manage a recovery to being healthier.
Beat eating disorders
NHS information
Eating problems
Mental Health queries
If you are concerned for your child or a young person, please do contact a member of the safeguarding team to discuss this further, preferably with your child’s Year Leader who will be on our safeguarding team.
There are many organisations in our local area and nationally, which can help you and your child to discuss and focus on developing coping management techniques with regards to their mental wellbeing.
Bucks Mind
Buckinghamshire CAMHS